Regular Courses:
- Humanities 101: Antiracism 101
- Humanities 101: Back of the College Project
- English 102: Black Women Detective Fiction
- English 102: Detective Fiction
- English 203: Survey of Literature Written in the U.S.
- English 320: Black Literature and Culture in the U.S.
- English 324: Ethnic American Literature
- English 330: Black Arts Movement
- English 427: Queer Black Literature

Interim Courses (January term):
- Nihon Goshin Aikido: The Art of Self-defense
- Black Women Activists
- Travel projects to Japan, Spain and Italy
Learning Communities:

Loving the Bomb: American Cold War in Literature and Philosophy, combining English 102 and Philosophy 120. With Christine Dinkins. (2007)
The American Experience in Vietnam, combining English 480 and History 480. With Mark Byrnes. (2006)