“With my book Radical Care I am taking my teaching experiences to the general public. How do we combat the disease of busyness? We meet it with intentional, radical care for ourselves. This step to care for ourselves then gives us the energy as a community to connect and move forward with care. Self-care can also be a core belief for leaders. This leadership style promotes empathy, human connection and care.
The basic mantra of this book is: self-care is for everyone. Self-care is a tool to overcome burnout, manage the complex stressors of our everyday and grow to be a better person so you can be a better leader. This book moves the conversation of self-care beyond superficial and consumeristic angles and focuses on deep care that each person can implement in their lives at no cost. Self-care makes more sustainable and compassionate leaders. Leading with self-care is a choice we all can make and this book helps readers develop their own unique self-care ethos. Self-care should be a core belief and essential practice for leaders. A more compassionate and sustainable person makes for a more compassionate and sustainable leader. The activities throughout the book allow readers to practice and reflect on their own care journeys.”