Dr. Phillip Stone

Archivist, Sandor Teszler Library


History 102-B
Western Civilization Since 1815
TTH 2:30-3:50
Main 122

Dr. Phillip Stone

Office: Archives, Sandor Teszler Library

Phone: 597-4313
Email: stonerp@wofford.edu
Web site: sites.wofford.edu/stonerp
Office Hours: M-TH 1:00-2:00 or by appointment

Course Description: This course is a survey of the major events and themes of the history of Europe since 1815. Through readings in secondary and primary sources, lectures, and discussions, we will examine the significant people, events, and social changes in western civilization in the past 200 years.

Goals of the Course: In this course, students will gain an understanding of the broad themes in European history over the last two centuries.

Grading: Participation will be evaluated on three tests and a final exam, and on course participation. Each test counts 20%, the final exam counts 30%, and participation counts 10%.

Instructional Format: The course will consist largely of lectures, with parts of some days set aside for discussion. Students are expected to read the assigned texts and come prepared to discuss them.

Absence Policy: Missing more than 3 class sessions will result in an attendance warning and will have a negative effect on your grade.

Statement for Academic Integrity: http://www.wofford.edu/studentLife/honorCode.pdf

Assigned Text: Joshua Cole and Carol Symes, Western Civilizations, Brief Third Edition, Volume 2 (Norton, 2012)
Other readings are posted on Moodle

Policies on makeup assignments: If you have to miss a test because of illness or a college-sponsored activity, let me know in advance. We will work on an alternative arrangement.

Tentative Schedule for Course:
Note: Syllabi subject to change upon notice.

Sept 1: Introduction and Prologue
Lecture – Europe in the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era, England in the Industrial Era

Sept 3: Read Chapter 19
Lecture – Industrialization and European society

Sept 8: Read Chapter 20
Lecture: The Congress of Vienna and the Restoration

Sept 10: Lecture: Europe in the Age of Revolutions, 1830-48
Read The People’s Charter, William Wilberforce, and Speech on Corn Laws (on Moodle)
Discussion – Revolutionaries in Europe

Sept 15: Read Chapter 21
Lecture: Italian Unification, France under Napoleon III

Sept 17: Lecture: German Unification
Read documents on Nationalism, Moodle
Discussion: Nationalism

Sept 22: Read Chapter 22
Lecture: Imperialism

Sept 24: First Test

Sept 29: Read Chapter 23
Lecture: The second wave of Industry

October 1: Lecture: Europe’s Progressive Era and the Coming of World War I

October 6: Read Chapter 24
World War I

October 8: No Class. World War I video clips to watch at your leisure, on Moodle.

Oct. 13: Lecture: Ending the War, Versailles, and the League of Nations

Oct 15: Lecture: The Russian Revolutions

Oct 20: Second Test

Oct. 22: Read Chapter 25
Lecture: Weimar Germany and Eastern Europe: Democracy under pressure

Oct 27: Lecture: The Crises of the 1930s – France and Britain and Spain and Italy

Oct. 29: Lecture: The Rise of the Third Reich and the Coming of World War II

Nov. 3: Read Chapter 26
Lecture: The Outbreak of World War II, the Phony War, Blitzkrieg, and the Eastern Front

November 5: World War II, the turning of the tide, and the Western Front,

Nov. 10: The Holocaust, the Bomb, and the End of the War

Nov. 12 – Third Test

Nov. 17: Read Chapter 27
Lecture: The Beginning of the Cold War

Nov. 19: European Politics and culture in the 1950s

Nov. 24: Lecture: European Politics and culture in the 1960s, decolonization

Nov. 26 – Thanksgiving Holiday

Dec. 1: Read Chapter 28
Lecture: The 1980s and the end of the Cold War

Dec. 3: Lecture: The 1990s, the Balkans, and the New World Order

Final Exam: Thursday, Dec. 10, 2:00 PM