Dr. Natalie Grinnell

Reeves Family Professor in Humanities


English 301: British Medieval Literature

When and Where this course meets:

Class time: 11:30-12:20, MWF
Class location: Main 222

Course Description

A survey of British medieval literature from its beginnings though the fourteenth century, excluding Chaucer

Course Objectives

The ability to read, write and talk about medieval literature with intelligence, insight and eloquence.

Required Textbooks

  • Old English Poetry, by Liuzza; ISBN 9781554811571
  • Beowulf, by Liuzza; ISBN 9781554810642
  • Silence, by Roche-Mahdi; ISBN 9780870135439
  • Nine Medieval Romances of Magic, by Osborn; ISBN 9781551119977
  • Gawain Poet, and trans. By Borroff; ISBN 9780393912357
  • York Corpus Christi Play: Selected Pageants, by Fitgerald; ISBN 9781554814299

Textbooks are available in the Wofford College Bookstore (see “Note on Textbooks” at right); additional Texts Available on the class Moodle page

Course Requirements

  1. Read everything you are assigned to read, on time and with care and attention.
  2. One short, 5-6 page, paper
  3. A research project, including a bibliography, bibliographic essay and final paper
  4. Final Exam
  5. Quizzes and exercises
  6. Regular Attendance

Grade Breakdown

  • Short Paper: 20%
  • Bibliographic Essay: 15%
  • Research Project: 30%
  • Final Exam: 20%
  • Other: 15%