Dr. Natalie Grinnell

Reeves Family Professor in Humanities


English 310: Arthurian Literature

When and Where this course meets:

Class time: 11:30am-12:20pm
Class location: Main 222

Course Description

A study of Arthurian literature, including works by Geoffrey of Monmouth, Layamon, Marie de France, Malory, Spenser, Jonson and Fielding.

Course Objectives

  • Students will develop an understanding of the styles, techniques and content of the works of authors of early Arthurian literature
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze and evaluate Arthurian texts with regard to historical context
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to write effectively, plan, document, and conduct research about Arthurian literature

Required Textbooks

  • Broadview Anthology of Medieval Arthurian Literature, eds. Cawsey and Edwards (ISBN 9781554815975)
  • Sir Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur (ISBN 9781602351035)
  • The Wicked Day by Stewart (ISBN 9780060548285)
  • Prince Ombra by MacLeish (ISBN 9780765342447)

Textbooks are available in the Wofford College Bookstore (see “Note on Textbooks” at right); additional Texts Available on the class Moodle page. Make sure NOT to order digital editions of texts.

Course Requirements

  1. Read everything you are assigned to read, on time and with care and attention.
  2. One 1200-word essay
  3. One 1500-word essay
  4. A final exam
  5. Occasional quizzes
  6. Regular Attendance

Grade Breakdown

  • Papers: 60% (Paper 1: 25%; Paper 2: 35%)
  • Final Exam: 20%
  • Other: 20%

Accessiblity Statement

Wofford College provides reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities to make  learning experiences accessible. Students are welcome to discuss sensitive topics, including disability-related concerns, with me, which will be kept confidential. However, unlike in high school, college students need to self-disclose their disability in order to receive specific accommodations.  For details, please refer to the Wofford College Wellness Center.