Dr. Natalie Grinnell

Reeves Family Professor in Humanities


Attendance Policies

All students are required to attend all scheduled classes, meetings and conferences. Please refer to your Wofford College Student Handbook for the official policies and procedures regarding absences. 

In a course that meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,

  • students are permitted three unexcused (3) absences over the course of the semester.
  • After the fourth such absence, I will send a Starfish attendance warning; unexcused absences after the third result in a 1/2 letter grade deduction from the course grade.
  • Should a student miss six (6) sessions without documentation, the student will receive a WF for the course.

In a course that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, an Interim course, or a summer school course,

  • students are permitted two (2) absences over the course of the semester
  • After the third such absence, I will send a Starfish attendance warning; unexcused absences after the third result in a 1/2 letter grade deduction from the course grade.
  • Should a student miss five (5) sessions, the student will receive a WF in the course.
  • If an interim course meets more than once a day, absences are counted by session, not by day

Students who suffer from an extended documented illness which prevents them from attending more than one week of class should contact the professor directly for a meeting to rework the syllabus schedule (or, at the end of the semester, consider and incomplete grade) with new deadlines.


If a student comes into a course after attendance has been taken, that student is late. Each tardy counts as 1/2 of an absence and contributes to the totals noted above.

Excused Absences

Students may be excused from attending class for illness, personal tragedy, or required collegiate activities (such as a sporting event or field trip). In order for an absence to be excused, it must be documented. In addition, one week’s notice is required for scheduled events, such as an away game.  Athletes may wish to print and share a travel schedule with me at the beginning of the semester, when possible.