Dr. Natalie Grinnell

Reeves Family Professor in Humanities


A Note on Textbooks

Readings may be assigned from textbooks, library course reserves, photocopies, or files loaded onto the class Moodle page. Every attempt is made to limit textbook expense while avoiding inferior editing, shabby production, or misleading or outdated notes.

If a student chooses to use a textbook in a different format or edition from the one(s) ordered for class, he or she should be aware of the following course textbook policies:

  • Unless otherwise instructed, students are required to have the readings available in class on the date on which we discuss them. Because there may be in-class writing, students are not permitted to share books in class. Students who do not come with the readings may be asked to leave in order to retrieve them (see “Participation and Decorum” link).
  • If the bookstore runs out of copies or does not have the required textbooks, I will make sure that a copy is available on reserve for student use. However, the college bookstore will return all unsold copies of textbooks at midterm, and students are responsible for planning ahead.
  • If students choose to order books from other bookstores, they are responsible for receiving them on time. If a delivery is delayed, the student is responsible for borrowing and photocopying the readings from another student or from the library.
  • Students are permitted to use electronic editions of textbooks provided such editions have appropriate page and/or line numbers so that they may be cited correctly.
  • Students may be responsible for introductions, notes or other apparatus, especially in anthologies, and must find a way to obtain those sections if they choose to use alternate editions.
  • If students choose to use editions in public domain, they are responsible for understanding that notes and translations may be seriously out of date. Students may use such texts, but if they cause a student to make errors in assignments, the student will bear the responsibility for such errors.